The Magnetic Battery Project was founded with the main purpose of extracting the clean, continous, power contained within High-strength, High-Grade Neodymium magnets and applying that power to any application where a regular battery would be found. Advantages include the following: 1.) Environmentally Friendly - Once the Neodymium magnets are charged, they provide power with zero pollution to the environment when in use and are non-toxic when stored or not in use. 2.) Adaptability - Batteries can be manufactured in many various sizes ranging from the smallest atomic battery to the largest for Home and Commercial use. 3.) Long-Lasting - Magnets contain a constant store of electrical energy and are constantly giving off magnetic radiation through their magnetic fields which can be converted to electrical energy. 4.) Efficient - Since magnets contain a store of energy, energy radiated off the magnet is efficiently converted to usable energy. 5.) Durability - Magnetic Batteries can operate and withstand a wide temperature range and are built to last through the toughest environments.